Thursday, August 11, 2011

Aren't Atheists simply speaking from ignorance?

Atheist don't argue against God because they have no understanding of Him but only argue against pagan rooted theology. Atheist see God through the eyes of a pagan theological interpretation of God and say that there is no magic man in the sky and they are right. There are things that are reality today that once was considered science fiction and today science has explained the things that were once considered supernatural today as being quite natural and so science is progressing but has not progressed enough yet explain the things considered supernatural today in a natural way but if given enough time then science would come to a complete understanding of God and His ways which He has allowed us to slowly study and understand for after all it is His creation. However we don't have enough time to wait for science to catch up and even religion it self is stuck in dogmatic mud. Science and the human mind has not progressed enough to understand God and His moral code he gave us and why He gave it to us. Even Physics tells us things about our universe that seem magical because our minds are to limited to completely grasp them. The reason we search for answers is because down deep we know how ignorant we really when it comes to the Truth (reality). Since we don't completely understand reality then that means our perceptions are still illusory in nature including our perceptions of our selves. If we turn to science only then we would be like blind people mapping our way with only trial and error and with life ending experiments not much unlike medicine today who puts medicine so called cure or treatment on the shelf and yet later has to pull it off because it has killed its users and then the only reply is oops. lol

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