Friday, August 12, 2011

How to handle drawing portraits of genuinely unattractive people for money? Please read?

This is a hard one because while the picture needs to look like the person it should be done in the most flattering way possible. Keep in mind that people see themselves and their loved ones in a different perspective than others would. Perhaps you could ask her what pleases her most when she looks at her husband and try to see him as she does. I saw a tattoo show recently where the artist did a portrait of an old man that had a stroke. He put that man on someone's skin droopy eye and all. The man looked like he had a beauty to him and looked good in the portrait regardless of the stroke. Amp up the beauty of a person and play down the less attractive features. Good luck, just look for the good stuff.

Where can I find demographic data for Aging in Place, Active Adult Communities, Nursing homes, and Assisted Li?

Can you help me find demographic data for Aging in Place, and Active Adult Communities-such as how many people (older generation based on 65-70;70-75 etc age group) prefer Aging in Place and Active Adult communities, or are living there; projection growth, etc? Which website should I go to?

A good solution to our nation's present financial crisis?

Why is it so hard to understand that the deregulation of price control of necessities is the main reason we are in the shape we are in. Seems as tho it is too simple too be accepted.

Central St. Martins tuition?

I have googled everywhere and I am unable to find any information on international undergrad tuition or student housing. Their website is currently under construction or renovation or something to that nature. So if anyone has any information on the school, I would be ever so pleased. I'm from Maryland (US) and trying to decide between Parsons or CSM for Fashion Design. Obviously I am more drawn to CSM because of the prestige, so once again. Any tuition information would be beyond greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Can anything be done about the strong opposition I have towards dating women of my own background?

To avoid looking hateful, simply accept the fact that because of behaviors you have seen in your early years, you have developed a preference for dating outside of your own culture. However, this means you shouldn't avoid a wonderful Indian girl if she treats you well and has other great qualities.

Can the soul's true nature be expressed and experienced while within the body?

The soul is an illusion created by mankind to answer the mystery of the existence of life. The only true nature you can express is the nature that you were born with: the skills and flaws that you have possessed since birth, which you will probably hold for the rest of your life.

What are the 09 sounds of nature?

i want to know about the 09 specific sounds of nature.please reply chronologically all the 09 sounds of nature.what are they,where they have come from??

Denmark – Sexual Viewing Requirement at Customs?

There is no such demands of anyone,I have been in Denmark many times and have never met such a procedure,you have been cheated!

I'm trying to raise my credit. Will a store credit card help?

Since you're only 18, you only need one credit card for the time being. The balance should always be paid the following month but since they are not charging you interest, it'll do for now. Once you're employed 12/18 months and have $500 in a savings account, you should get a secured credit card from a bank. Make sure they belong to the credit bureau. After 24 months of activity with both cards, your credit score should be between 660/749 which is a good score. This will give you a lower rate on loans and when you apply for a mortgage.

Why is my boombox making people do odd things?

My friend Andy and I were walking around the big apple with a boombox, then all the sudden the music washed away all their hate, and society started advancing!? Then, every demographic was represented, it was almost like a rainbow coalition of dancing. Then everyone started wearing fingerless gloves!!! AND i saw a Spanish guy doing the bartman. What are my limits with this boombox?

Have you ever met someone who is almost exactly like you?

Did you get along with them well? Lately I've been talking to this guy who is practically the same person as me. We are both low-end AP students, bandgeeks, severe critics when it comes to movies, in love with the 40's, obsessed with frank sinatra, insane over Mel Brooks and Monty python, regular watchers of the history channel, and extreme procrastinators... Our personalities are the same, and we are both horribly shy-yet-talkative and aweful public speakers. Were not your average juniors in high school...

Is this true about women?

yes. but the women that have careers try to make it seem like the reason they can't settle down and make a family is because of their careers. this is not true. they can't make a family because no man wants them. women with a high paying career is something that should be avoided like the plague and a lot of men know this.

How do become the nice guy again? Please help, I always give best answer within 24 hrs.?

Stop flirting with the other girls and instead of just flirting with the girl, take her out to dinner or a movie.

Why is the Conservative media making a huge deal about NBC cutting out "under god" in the Pledge?

NBC/MSNBC sucks anyway. Their ratings are a direct reflection of this. Interestingly, what 3 hrs after that clipped aired, NBC was already apologizing? Guess some folks were watching after all. NBC caved to the criticism of the people, not the Conservative media.

Did anyone see the new Transformers/do you want to see it?

I havent seen it but i really want to its supposed to be 4 or 5 stars i forgot but it look really cool

Compare the properties of elements and compounds. Give two examples of each, including one example that exists?

Study your books and pay attention in class. Don't post your home work. You are supposed to learn not get the questions answered for you. You may get the wrong answer.

Who's the best spin bowler ever? Muttiah Muralitharan or Shane Warne?

yeah that is why Shane was popping pills, which his moma gave him......wink wink! In reality he should have been banned for life, but he is still playing. Murali was born with that bent arm, he cannot stretch his arm fully. All Yahoos who cannot beat him, complained to ICC. They did all the mechanical testes and everything came negative.

My rat is ALWAYS scared.?

Thats normal for some rats its just her personality just give her time if she loves other rats so much the more and more she sees the other two giving you love the more she will come our of her shell

Can somobdy correct my grammar?

Li Chi'ing-chao was one of the greatest poets in China and she had to get through multiple hardships and difficulties of his time period. She was not only a great composer but an excellent prose writer, a musician and painter as well. Many critics believe that her experiences strongly influenced her writing. (Rest is good)

Are they still becoming one with nature?

My folks are all out in the forest right now becoming one with nature, but they haven't gotten back yet. I fear for the worst, like a beast found them or something. What should I do?

Did you know the first critic of Bush's handling of 9-11 was his own mother?

Where did You find this, on CNN or MSNBC It was clintons fault for not taking UBL, when He had the chance. But then democrats and muslim terrorists love each other.

Can somebody explain why people think BVB sound like A7x?

Now, I know Avenged Sevenfold aren't the best band out there, but now even Metal Hammer has used them as an example to describe Black Veil Brides. Can anyone explain to me exactly why music critics feel that these bands have ever sounded similar, of all the crap that gets released? I used to be a huge A7x fan and I'm seriously not feeling it... And no, I'm not saying this because it even irritates me - say what you like about either band; I'm just curious from a critical perspective.

In Google Adwords how can Google tell if the viewer is male of female as well as their age?

In the Demographic Bidding section on Google Adwords.. How does Google know who they would be showing your ad to? I can understand in FB advertising each person has an account.. But on google its just ip addresses using Google. I don't believe your personal information would be that easily accessible.. Am i wrong?

Why rot*en tomatoes always rotten-up our mind blowing summers movie?

c'mon, they always do that, they want to kill the franchise or what ?, for example; transformers '07 has ratting 50 percent semi rotten, c'mon i enjoyed this one so bad with my bro and everybody and my friends love it. POTC on stranger tides, 33 percent, WTF this site thinks?, they hate the poor jackie. Tron legacy, yeah well maybe there's some negative point, but fu*k, they rotten it up again, check it out if you want. Even cars 2 was in bad score, they ruined the kids smile in the summer, even if the review by critics was good, rot*en tomatoes ruined them, i'll stick to IMDB with theirs user review, always believe the audience though. From now i WILL NOT BELIEVE that SITE anymore.up again, check it out if you want. Even cars 2 was in bad score, they ruined the kids smile in the summer, even if the review by critics was good, rot*en tomatoes ruined them, i'll stick to IMDB with theirs user review, always believe the audience though. From now i WILL NOT BELIEVE that SITE anymore.

Why won't yahoo mail let me check my inbox? It keeps saying that there is a PROBLEM With SCRIPT something!?

Every time I click the inbox to check my mail a yellow box pops up at the bottom saying that yahoo is NOT responding because the SCRIPT Is OVERLOADING or something of that nature!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What happened to clip critics on youtube?

they haven't been active for 1 year a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Need English to French Translation?

La Corse est une �le de la M�diterran�e. Elle est situ�e � l'ouest de l'Italie et se rapproche de l'Italie puis la France. Corse a �t� form�e comme une �le � travers les �ruptions vocanic et est connue comme l'�le montagneuse de la M�diterran�e. La Corse a plus de 200 plages le long de la c�te et poss�de l'un des sentiers de randonn�e d'Europe le plus remarquable, appel� le GR20. Les r�gions sauvages attirent les promeneurs et amoureux de la nature. La Corse a un climat chaud avec des �t�s chauds et des hivers secs mod�r�e. Corse a une population de 302000 habitants et le pays a sa propre langue - corse. Ce langage est plus �troitement li� � l'italien et est parl�e par un grand nombre de la population, aujourd'hui, le fran�ais est parl� plus couramment sur l'�le et tout le monde le comprend. La culture locale trouve son expression dans la musique folklorique et d'artisanat. La langue toscane influenc�e corse est enseign� dans les �coles de l'�le. La Corse a une cuisine distinctive comme le sanglier, poissons comme la truite. Les principales exportations de la Corse sont le fromage, fruits, huile d'olive, du vin et du tabac. La Corse a produit un certain nombre d'artistes c�l�bres dont le peintre abstrait Fran�ois Lanzi. Economiquement, la Corse est la r�gion la moins d�velopp�e de la France et s'appuie sur le tourisme. Climat de l'�le, les montagnes et les c�tes rendre populaire parmi les touristes. La partie que j'ai appr�ci� mon voyage � travers l'Europe, a �t� mon s�jour en Corse. J'ai s�journ� dans la capitale Ajaccio. Ajaccio r�clamation � la renomm�e est comme le berceau de Napol�on Bonaparte, pendant que j'�tais l�, j'ai visit� sa maison natale et le nathional Bonaparte mus�e. J'ai �galement visit� Bastia, o� je suis all� au Vieux Port et est all� voir les b�timents blas�s regroup�s autour du port lui-m�me .. J'ai aim� les sports d'eau que je pouvais essayer. Je suis all� la voile autour de la c�te et aussi all� plonger. Si vous aimez les plages l'�t� et alors vous serez s�r d'aimer la Corse. J'ai toujours �t� occup� par les f�tes de village locaux et le magnifique feu d'artifice qu'ils avaient de c�l�brer les nombreux saints. Je suis all� � la d�gustation des vins du Domaine d'alzipratu et marcha le fameux GR20 et �tait tr�s fatigu� une fois que j'ai fini. Le paysage de montagne �tait belle et l'ann�e prochaine je pr�vois de revenir en Corse pour un autre jour f�ri�. Je vous recommande de voyage en Corse et voir la beaut� de l'�le comme je le faisais.

Why does Michele Bachmann expect voters to trust her, when she says nutty things such as.......?

The voters don't trust her. Mitt Romney far outdistances her in polls. The media is enamored with her, however, and giving her more coverage than she deserves.

What determines a Album and a singles rank on a Chart,like the Billboard chart?

it's according to popularity, so it depends on how often the song was requested and also on sales of the single or the album.

A survey showed that people with ghetto names turned down for jobs?

Employers need to hire people based on what's on there resume not what a persons name is. I've had this problem before too, because I have a hispanic last name the first thing employers ask me when I hand them an application is if I speak spanish when I say no they just set my resume aside and don't even look at my work experience. But then they will hire non-hispanics who don't speak spanish.

Can anybody tell me if this book is going to be any good?

no no just no. It would work if it was just freaky and depressing. look up some marilyn manson and salad fingers for inspiration

Why do some animal lovers also like Humans?

All living things deserve respect whether animal, the human animal, alien, or even tree (in the sense we need them and shouldn't chop them all down). Some humans may be violent, cruel and horrible but we are capable of so much more and should be given that opportunity. Without giving respect you are as bad as the others and not giving people a chance to learn and grow.

What is forever 21 demographic?

I need to know what stores like forever 21, h&m and wet seals demographic is and what the people who fit their demographics lifestyle would be for a school project please help

Who are the toughest swimsuit critics on the beach?

I think women are because one time one of my friends saw a woman in a bikini and she was pregnant with her stomach popping out. My friend said she shouldn't be wearing that. That she should wear a one piece bathing suit.

Is my character a Gary Stu/Mary sue?

Heh, i got negitive answers on my story. Gotta change it a bit... this is the main character i sorta love him (brother like xD) BUT im willing to change him... So critic him? (also his looks is probably a Gary stu trait.... Just warning i don't wanna change his looks :c) His name is Xavier (i still need a last name) and he has Blonde shoulder length hair (long) and blue eyes. He is a normal peachy skin color. He wears a dark pink hoodie, black skinnys, and black boots. His personality usually wards off "fangirls" and people who try to talk to him... Therefore he has no friends at the start (Keep reading its not what it looks like) He lives with his grandparents since a gang killed off a huge portion of his hometown. He acts rather cold, and rude. He tends to keep quiet most of the time unless there is something he HAS so say. He is a smartass and sarcastic a lot, when he does talk its usually an Insult, smart comment, or a simple "Get away from me.". I will not lie, he does has a sad past but he dosent angst about it and cry. Also remeber how i sad "he has no friends"? He dosent care. At all. It took him a while to consider Indigo (another character who continues to bug him, Indigo is completely oblivious to the fact Xavier hates him in the first 2 chapters, its not till Xavier yells it out that he hates him... Even then he continues to try and befriend Xavier.) a friend. So far he dose NOT fall in love with any character. And i plan for him not to...... I mean it... There is a humorous scene where this idiot princess stalks him... He ends up blurting out he's gay to get her away from him... Out of extreme frustration. It didn't work. It brought out her "Yaoi" loving Side..... So... What do you think? Oh he's 17 btw

Im curious about this, has anybody discovered the answer to this?

Ok so obviously god is not real. and neither is the soul or the afterlife or anything of that nature. Im curious is to what determines our species? For example: A lion, what makes it a lion, what does it have that we dont have? Could it have been human? Is it random? Or us, did we have to be humans or couldnt we be an animal or something? Does this make sense to you lol? Its hard to comprehend, they dont have any control over that do they?? Another question, how did life come to us? Like how did concious come into our bodies, like are we picked or something?

Is the Youth (18-30) a reliable demographic when it comes to elections?

No. 2008 was a statistical anomaly, according to the election stats over the last ten years compiled by the Census people people over 40 are something like three times more likely to vote than people 18-30.

Aren't Atheists simply speaking from ignorance?

Atheist don't argue against God because they have no understanding of Him but only argue against pagan rooted theology. Atheist see God through the eyes of a pagan theological interpretation of God and say that there is no magic man in the sky and they are right. There are things that are reality today that once was considered science fiction and today science has explained the things that were once considered supernatural today as being quite natural and so science is progressing but has not progressed enough yet explain the things considered supernatural today in a natural way but if given enough time then science would come to a complete understanding of God and His ways which He has allowed us to slowly study and understand for after all it is His creation. However we don't have enough time to wait for science to catch up and even religion it self is stuck in dogmatic mud. Science and the human mind has not progressed enough to understand God and His moral code he gave us and why He gave it to us. Even Physics tells us things about our universe that seem magical because our minds are to limited to completely grasp them. The reason we search for answers is because down deep we know how ignorant we really when it comes to the Truth (reality). Since we don't completely understand reality then that means our perceptions are still illusory in nature including our perceptions of our selves. If we turn to science only then we would be like blind people mapping our way with only trial and error and with life ending experiments not much unlike medicine today who puts medicine so called cure or treatment on the shelf and yet later has to pull it off because it has killed its users and then the only reply is oops. lol

So by his own words, is Howard Dean neither White, nor over 55, nor Christian?

Without sullying my computer withe "blaze" nonsense, demographics alone would tell a normal person that. The white race is shrinking in terms of % of population, as are those over 55 when the boomers are gone and religion of all types are losing numbers. You don't need the beckerhead to tell you that, use your brain.

Conservatives and the "N" Word, what do you say?

Libs and callin Nazi has gotten so silly that when one of the libs I know says it to me I give him a Hitler salute after clicking my heels. Then I call him a tard and walk away.

Does this make you interested?

That a really good story, you could continue it by finding out what happens next, its certainly a book i'd read. Clear, concise... each small part of it make it perfect.

Market speculation -- Imagining things into a higher price by guessing it will Isn't market manipulation?

It has nothing to do with a "free market". The market functions according to the rules that have created and control it. In this case the rulemakers have been bought by rich speculators who want to make a fast buck by bleeding people with real jobs dry. ∠°)

Why does my friend keeps telling people I have an eating disorder?

So I started my lifestyle change a few weeks ago; eating healthy and trying to lose weight, and ever since then my friend has been telling people I'm starving myself and really getting on my nerves. I told her to stop but she feel very strongly about it. She from germany so I brought her home with me for the holiday weekend(she's staying with her old roommate) and she's even told my family and friends. Since we work together she sees what I eat for lunch, but she'll be there 2 days out of the week and work from home the rest so she's never there. My breakfast might consist of an apple, yogurt, eggs, and toast. For lunch I might have a turkey sandwich, chicken wrap, or something with an apple, yogurt, or some type of fruit. For dinner I'll have left overs like turkey tacos, or vegetable soup, chicken breast and vegetable. Things of that nature. I usually snack on like grapes, nuts or carrots through out the day to keep me full. I also workout 5 days/wk. She's not making an effort to lose weight and its pissing me off that she keeps saying I'm starving myself. What to do? She says I only eat nuts and fruit; she doesn't see what I eat, I'll will show you my calories counter. Sorry I just needed to vent.

Jealousy , possessive and like being passive ?

You need to be careful because it sounds like you are thinking in a very obsessive way. It doesn't sound dangerous right now but I could see things getting worse in the future. It isn't weird to look for attention from peers and friends so don't think that you are the only person that feels that way. I am not going to speculate as to what in your upbringing has left you feeling this way because there are many possibilities and I am not a trained psychologist. Wishing to make your friend feel guilty for having other friends and talking to them is a big warning flag that you need to address. If you keep having theses feelings then you need to put some space between you and this girl until you can get a grip on your emotions. Then, you need to focus on why you feel that you need someone else to define your own self worth. Love yourself and believe in youself so that you can try to fight these co-dependency issues. You might have an addictive personality too so be aware of this possibility. When you need something/someone to cope or feel satisfied it is easy to transfer one addiction to another. Could be a girl, could be drugs or alcohol, heck it could be shopping. I am not saying that it would be easy to prevent these feelings, but if you are aware of your tendencies, you can think logically rather than letting your emotions take over. Have you considered talking to someone professional about this? I think you might be able to find out where these feeling originate from and then maybe you can start to resolve some of these obsessive emotions.

Good informational book on heaven hell demons angels and sin?

im just looking for a book that talks about heaven, hell, angels, demons, the devil, sins, and stuff of that nature......any help would b much appreciated ^_^

I want to become a rapper, do you think I Can?

yes, you do! Post yourself rapping (actually put some time & effort into the video!) on youtube & I promise I'll subscribe! & if you do make a rapping account, send me the link!

Atheist please answer?

You know I just realized something. Christians sound like mathematicians, except that they can't actually calculate chance...

**** like mammals or stay with one person? opinions please?

Many species of animals are MONOGAMOUS, they mate for life. If you do choose to stay with one person CHOOSE WISELY, if you don't CHOOSE WISELY.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Is it true poison ivy became to be after?

the settlers killed most of the native americans and used the land for major agriculture and nature faught back by creating poison ivy? My husband told me that but sometimes he says things as if he knows what he is talking about but i've found out some arent actuall so....

Why do people use the phrase "a quantum leap"?

to describe a huge change in their understanding when given the nature of quantum mechanics, a "quantum leap" would actually be very small?

How will Bachmann fare in a debate when all this comes to light?

How about the record of Barry Obama in office? Is there a record? In fact, is there a record of Barry at all? College? Major? Grades? Thesis? We do know he supported a bill allowing doctors to crush the skull and suck out the brains of a baby while it was being born (partial birth abortion). Yes, that truly raises my confidence in the humanity and decency of this left-wing, radical whose mentor, a man named Davis, was a member of the Communist Party, USA. Wow...Obama is so much better than Bachmann...there is no comparison.

Why do you think critics dissed Venus's outfit instead of her game?

I know. Venus is not there to make a fashion statement. She should be evaluated on her skills and her game. Her clothes are irrelevant.

What is equity? Why is it important as used in this quote?

Equity is the net ownership you have in an asset. In this context, it is the difference between the value of the real estate asset and the debt owed on it. So, for example, if you bought a home for $400,000 and took a mortgage loan of $375,000, you have equity of $25,000. If the value of that home drops to $350,000, you actually have a negative equity. At that point you would simply allow the lender to foreclose on the property rather than repaying the $375,000.

1 homework question please someone help me!!!!!?

Describe how changing demographic trends (age, sex, income, occupation, etc.) have led to the development of new sports leagues, the shifiting of professional sports franchiess and new sports products.

Why do black women dye their hair blonde?

Mother nature is almost perfect in colour coordinating that is why black women are born with black hair. Why do black women dye their hair blonde? It NEVER comes out looking good; they just look stupid. Don't their realise that? No offence intended to anyone; just curious.

Why in chick flicks do they always portray men as overly well groomed pretty boys who are almost effeminate?

the target demographic they are trying to appeal to is females. i would think females would want a masculine man. nothing wrong with hygiene & grooming, im not saying they need to put a biker gang person in those roles. but it just seems to be a little over the top.

Do you think that the obvious expectation from UPA on the Hazare movement has been proved right?

After reading the above answer I'm 1000% convinced that Indians don't deserve to live in a corruption free nation. And according to this answer Anna Hazare is self-proclaimed representative of Indian people. Either that answerer was blind or ignorant who could not see the mass support in favor of Anna Hazare when he was fasting. Had Anna continued with his fast for one more week, this same answerer would have been voting for new government.

I wanna become a rapper, do you think I Can? Tell me what you guys think?

I don't know if you'd be a good rapper but the lyrics are okay i guess. I'm more into pop. Do good in school, don't lay all the eggs in one basket okay? make sure your taken care of

Are Black men the least attractive race of men?

I definitely don't think that black men are the least attractive. I just think people hold on to a stereotype and never give anyone a chance to prove otherwise. I am Turkish and Egyptian and my husband is black. I have to say unfortunately the stereotype about Black men is perpetuated and further explored by a lot of men. However, there are many absolutely wonderful completely wholesome black men. I just think that you have to work harder to show girls that you are different. That what see on TV and here from their friends etc is just that a stereotype not the reality.

How will Bachmann fare in a debate when all this comes to light?

Imagine that , a con in office to line their own pockets ... The family farm , husband's business start up CASH ., the pork industry , etc. More scary is her involvement in a charter school that had it's religious right " curriculum " .. She may have some esplaining to do Lucy ... It should be colorful ..

Good book for a Europe trip?

Hey everyone, I'm going on an 11 day trip to London, Paris, and Barcelona and although I know I will be VERY busy I still want a good book to read in my down time (on trains between cities ect.) but I don't know what to pick? Let me know your suggestions for a type of book about a euro adventure or something of that nature, preferably containing one or most of the cities I will visit. Thank you so much! =)

Would an eternity of nirvana necessarily counterbalance eternity itself?

imagine the best thing you have ever experienced. better, imagine, if you can, every good thing you know rolled into your consciousness. and now imagine that is all there is and all there will ever be for eternity. no end to this heaven/hell of eternal stability and perfection, and no way to die as everything mortal decays and everything immortal becomes familiar. any and all accomplishments of any kind at all become meaningless by the very nature of the infinite. now answer me why we strive for eternal life

I am looking for a submersible truck, with snorkel and sealed up engine?

Which truck is the best for off roaring. I live around Houston so it gets flooded here sometimes. Trucks go through the flooded underpass usually end up flooding there engine. Water goes into their tail pipe. I want to be able to go through that flood withought having to worry about my engine flooding. That is what the snorkel is for but water can still get inside the engine. I also have to worry about too much water lifting my truck off the ground and pushing it away, so that's why I need a lift. I don't want it too high where it looks too abnormal or really big tires that eat up my gas. There are jeeps with built in changeable drives between 3 and 4 wheel drive. I also want a tow system on it where I can pull other vehicles out of trouble with the metal wired tow. Don't know what that is called but I have seen it on many trucks in the front. I have seen many of these submersible trucks on nature shows where they drive across a river without it messing up. I am not looking forward to doing that but you never know. There might be a bad flood and I would have to go through 5 feet of water. I can maybe make sure the doors are sealed up so no water can get in but it will, I don't mind as long as the truck does not die on me. Where can I get me one of these trucks and what is the best brand? Jeep, range rover, dodge, etc...

Why the replacement fertility rate in human depends the country?

most demographic scientists believed for human the replacement fertility rate is about 2.1 with (because the sex ratio at birth is 105 boys per 100 girls and 0.05 children another to fullfill the early mortality. But in fact according to CIA world factbook this figure is about 2.07 in Iceland to 3.5 in Sub-Sahara Africa. What is the main reason

Will this amount of food keep me going for my expedition?

Depends what you mean by "expedition." Are you climbing over a 4000m peak every day or walking into a field?

What are your thoughts on Ozzie Guillen's comment that he "wipes himself w/ the critics"?

The most maligned World Series winning manager once again defends his guys from unfair commentary. Remember Casey Stengel? Danny Ozark? Whitey Herzog? Yogi Berra? Ozzie is cut from that mold. He's the most colorful and entertaining manager in the big leagues. He doesn't PC people to death like Girardi or LaRussa. He goes on as he wishes. We could use 20 more like him. Or more.

Where should I go for a vacation in the United States?

I want to go on vacation somewhere in the US. I would like to go somewhere that I can experience city life (museums, art gallery's, musicals/plays) and also nature/adventure(beach, hiking, kayaking etc)

What's the best way to recruit participants for doing remote evaluations of my website?

I'm already using a service called and and I've exhausted most of their participants. I would recruit directly out of our pool of subscribers, but I need people who haven't already used our service. Also I'd like to match a general demographic of college-level educated and aged 45+. I'm planning to pay $25-$35 per participant for a 1/2 hour evaluation. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Need DETAILED information about a website called, WWW.PAYSFOREVER.COM?

This particular website claims to help you make $20.00 daily if you follow two steps. Step 1: pay $20.00 to a sponsor who is a member of that site and then Step 2: pay $19.00 for administrative costs. After that, they promise you to get paid $20.00 every day. However, I am running into loads of problems when researching ANYTHING about them. I've found one review which was questionable; the answers and explanations are extremely vague. A lot of important information is left out. Googling it is useless. So is YouTube. In fact, when the name is typed into YouTube's search box there are entire posts of people (mainly a plethora of African-American demographic) with the exception of a few Caucasians who appear to own stock trailer parks, however, they all appear to be speaking as vague as the next "salesman". I am highly annoyed; we are supposed to be living in a day and age of upper class technology and a site like "paysforever" does not explain itself well. Sure, you will tell me it's a pyramid scheme or to stay away if it's too good to be true. That will not satisfy me! I want someone who is Human who knows how to speak Human answer my question(s)! I want someone who has knowledge about this site and its process without being a representative (salesman) from the company! Questions such as, Is this site truth? is it a lie? a scam? does it work? what is going on? why are reviews for it harder to find than the past T.V. Show actors? why is the demographic of people for this site African-American? This has nothing to do with race. I just want a human response to what this site is all about without having to go through the trouble of dealing with salesman chicanery! Thank you in advance?

Is Braid a good game?

Definitely not worth $15.00, to me, in my opinion. I felt ripped off after playing through it. Totally weird storyline. The puzzles do get tricky, so in that aspect, it was awesome. It was also nice to feel like I was playing a remade retro game. But that's a double edged sword. I would've rather played it as a NES title, 20 years ago! If your curious about it, check out some youtube videos of it. But then again, it all comes down to personal preference, right?

Please help I am so desperate and messed up?

Things will work out for the better. Just stay on track and get good grades. If you think something is wrong with you, there will be. If you accept the fact that you're completely normal just like everyone else you will be much happier. You're not ****** up in the head or anything, stop using it as an excuse.

How to get a MS scholarship from Nature Journal?

For scholarship or financial aid questions, I just tell my friends to check out and take a look around.Its excellent mini directory with a few great sources of aid.

Stuck in a dream knowing it's a dream but being unable to break out or control it.?

That's pretty much it. I was in my entrance hall at first I there was a person in a house from bottom to waist naked facing backwards, I was like ‘dat ***’ and next moment I thought I woke up but instead I was laying in bed, then I realized that I was hugging someone and it happened to be the same female. I was trying to move away, but couldn’t, i felt extremely tired, although I thought I didn’t want to but it wasn’t the case, I was just unable to move, but I got few punches in the balls to move in a joking manner, even I laughed at it thinking that it’s fair, but whenever I tried to move away, my limbs wouldn’t listen, thinking I am just unwilling, then I woke up thinking that I dreamed but realized that it wasn't, because something from the dream was in 'real life', then I woke up, looked at time and it was 2:46 am (around the time I went to sleep, but I woke up 8 hours later and went to the kitchen for some drink and went back to sleep, but in a dream i didn't remember this situation) and listened to You're beautiful playing through my headphones and then heard someone play and sing it outside the window, I thought they were too loud and someone heard it and mockingly sang it (as in real life I also use them as speakers, lol at gaming headphones), at first I refused to check it out, but then I realized that he sounded pretty good so I peaked outside and I saw a one-man orchestra (at first i wrote equestria O.o), I was amazed so I wanted to show it to someone and ran to my mum (17, living only with mum currently, but not for long), I ran out of my room and then i screamed ( i felt weird because it sounded like female shriek in first split second) because I thought I saw a person from my first dream at first, trying to check whether it was real I looked around my mother's room (although i was 2 meters away) and saw huge rainbow plush pony on a wall and room in beige color, I thought it was real life (although that isn't at all how my mother's room look like, although she has huge bear plush) I came closer and realized (lol, a lot of realizations) that it was my mother's friend, when I had better view of her room I also saw another person who I recognized as an aunt from another country, then they swapped places (i didn't saw that glitch) and they were seating on something like but not solid, made of leather and color matching the walls, they were seating there watching a movie on a huge tv I though my mum always had in a room (she hasn't got anything of these things in her room) and my aunt explained me that she was visiting, I thought that she was the person from my first dream, though i thought that i messed something up and confused blended my dream with reality and that's why i though there was a half naked woman visiting instead, then I remembered the orchestra man and told them to follow me, i could hear them behind as i ran, opened the curtains (i did so before, but i didn't remember that back then) and he was gone, i thought he just left and i stared outside for a while. Then it hit me, I was living on a ground floor and for some reason i could see the area as if i was on a first floor instead, the snow was also melting and before it wasn't, but then I also remembered that in real life there's no snow (although at first i explained this to myself as nature's joke to make it snow at the beginning of july) and that it's 2:46 am but it's bright already, i then realized that i've been dreaming the whole time. Then i realised that the room is dark yet it's bright and that it wasn't anything like my room, i also realized that my mother's room was also different. I was trying to wake up, shouting, at first thinking i might be slightly loony, but i forced myself to check it out and just in case someone will wake up and get me back down. I shouted and screamed, at first i thought i was in a coma which could explain why i couldn't wake up, i shouted stuff like "WAKE UP!", some of my screams made funny noises, i though they sounded like noises a dinosaur would make. then the scenery changed, the background was colors of a sunset, but that's all i remember about it, and i had a rope around my neck, standing on a gallow about to be hang, i was looking at the situation in third person, unaware of this, and tried to somehow wake up. then some things started to pop on the bottom of my vision (if anyone played any newgrounds games that had ach and earned it, that's how it looked like), i pressed at it with a mouse (i was unaware of that, still thinking i'm about to get hang). there was one more thing i don't remember after this, or i think so at least, and then i really woke up. after a while of laying in bed i felt as, imagine that mind is spread all over the body like a soul, if my entire mind was being pull

What is the point to life?

For me the point to life to be able to have friends first because we are social by nature. What do you think the point to life is?

Cant Boehner see what McConnell is doing to him by putting the debt ceiling deal solely on him?

That's a leftist hack interpretation. I can tell you Cantor walked out of talks because he's smart enough to know agreeing to tax increases will lose the Republicans their base.

Where can i get tamil poems about nature music and art?

Well I'm not exactly sure where, but you could try, it has pretty much everything dealing with art, photography, all types of writing, etc :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What is the nature of a delusion?

-It IS whatever The Person who Has It- Needs it to Be... EACH One is Different, according to the person.

Is Aristophanes a good critic of drama?

Im really stuck with my homework.i google it but couldn't find out more details. Will you please help me? Thanx.

Is Ariza changing his story on Pacquiao drug use?

O.K.-and who ever cared about any of Ariza's allegations in the first place? Who is he again? Ariza is no one in the big picture and there has never been proof of any sort in the first place

What's ur opinion of this girl getting fired for wearing hijab?

I think it's a really mean and cruel thing to do. I am Muslim and I wear the hijab because of my religion. They should respect that.

Why are movie critics so biased these days?

I agree, critics tend to think too much when it comes to movies. Why dont they turn their brains of for all of a couple of hours and just sit back and enjoyed themselves. In their minds if the movie has a big budget or has a few mainstream actors then they rate it poorly. It MUST be independant and arty and basically for the most part 'shyte' in my opinion. I aint dissing all independant or arty movies cos some are actually good but critics tend to side with them nonetheless

What does vaginal bleeding mean, when your gf isnt expecting her period in a week?

we had intercourse yesterday, and when i pulled out there was blood all over the condom, so we assumed she was on her mother nature run. next day she told me it was dry? could she be pregnant? something wrong?

Confused about whether I am becoming what I hate..?

First off, your sister-in-law is one of those judgemental snobs that you've hated in the past. Secondly, they say that the best form of revenge against people who don't believe in you is to get a higher education and become successful in you life. Third and finally, you are human and not perfect just as all humans aren't. People have said that the older you get the more judgemental you become. How true that is remains to be seen (at least for me in my life), but maybe you should change your approach to this. Instead of seeing a teenage mom and judging her - reflect back on your own experiences of being a teenage mom (diaper changing, midnight feedings, trying to study and take care of a baby etc.) and just say to yourself something like: "I remember those days, she's definitley got her work cut out for her there, lol!"

Are my SAT Scores Good Enough for Stanford/Ivy League?

Sorry, you would need to be full on Mexican and have a perfect SAT. Anyone who applies to those schools has the same amount or more of activities, so the schools care more about grades. I suggest trying for Dartmouth, or somewhere good outside the US like Edinburgh or Capetown.

Atheists do you know anything about Buddhism?

Or do you just kinda ignore it because it disproves your beliefs Step one repel the falsehood of faith in Gods, step Two Accept the truth or cycles of nature, way's of enlightenment, and the guidance of enlightenment, step three Profit!

Homework help with advertising!!!!! I will give you 10 points!!!!!?

Turn on your TV, the first two ads that come on you can do a paper on. Is it for Yogurt? The target market is 25 - 35 year-old (most likely single) women with average incomes. Is it for beer? The target market is for 18 - 35 year old men, again with average incomes. Is it a Covergirl commercial featuring Taylor Swift? The target market is teenage girls with disposable income (from their parents). Every single ad is targeted.

Why isn't everyone vegetarian?

That is soooo true. I've gone veggie since I was 7 and I really never ate any meat before then, only when my parent made me. It is unbearable to think that people eat dogs in Korea!!! I wish all people were vegetarians!!

Im hoping to take over a running cafe .... i want to make changes, will this alienate my current cliental?

You will definitely alienate some. Some will be alienated just over new ownership, with no other changes. One way to minimize this is to conduct surveys ... get the clients involved in the change.

God created nature to destroy the bodies made up of atoms but delivers His Spirit offspring from calamity.?

The flesh and those who walk according to the flesh are left to the forces of nature and how energy flows while His Spirit offspring within some of those bodies are delivered from the pit fall?

If justin bieber is so talented why is his movie a 1.3/10 on

because of ppl like you, who would rather die than actually admit Justin Bieber has more talent than you'll ever have- or know what 2 do with.

Will college students eventually be mostly women?

At many co-ed institutions women make up as much as 60 percent of the student body. Is this the future demographic of american colleges?

Atheists: What do you think of Ralph Waldo Emerson?

It's easy for someone to pontificate philosophically about a lot of things that way. I can easily do the same for space aliens and the yetti. the quote only shows his own personal bias towards their being a god, nothing more.

Can someone please explain to me in non-geeky terms what "World of the Wacrafts" is?

The Wikipedia article on it is a total snooze-fest, saturated with ridiculously elaborate acronyms and painstakingly minute details. Can someone just explain to me the gist of the game, without going into any of it's boring technicalities, and give an idea about why it is so appealing to a certain demographic?

Is Ariza changing his story on Pacquiao drug use?

O.K.-and who ever cared about any of Ariza's allegations in the first place? Who is he again? Ariza is no one in the big picture and there has never been proof of any sort in the first place

How much do you know about Islam?

About ten years ago, I knew very little and had a neutral opinion about it, but today I know more about it than I do Christianity. I have read about half of the Qur'an but the real understanding comes from written commentary by both Muslims and critics of Islam. I have found Islam's critics to be much more convincing and truthful.

Need a good love song to sing to my girlfriend?

I love my girlfriend a bunch, and to show that I'm gonna sing to her. This is the first time I'm going to sing to her. I'm a great singer, in a band and all. I want to sing something alternative rock or something of that nature. It would fit my personality and voice. And she would probably know and like it more. I was going to sing our song, which is Lost In You by Three Days Grace, but that seems so expected and all. Maybe it would mean more, I'm not sure. Suggestions on great love songs I can sing to her? Alternativve rock and around that genre please! Don't link me any pop, country, rap, classic. You know. Something I WANT to sing. It has to mean something. Thanks!

What is the next move for me?

Hi Joshua, what you are feeling it completely normal. You are besotted with this girl and it hurts to think of her with anyone else. Now I don't think the feeling will completely disappear, it may take time. You have just got to remember that she has chosen you at the end of the day. Only have sex with her if you feel you are ready, not because you want to impress her compared to her exes. She is showing that she trusts you to be able to confide in you about her past sexual nature, that is a very hard thing to do and I can imagine she feels exposed right now so it's important you still make her feel loved and not show it has affected you. Continue to treat her like a princess because it sounds like you too belong together. Good luck!

POLL: Do you think Katy Perry is hot?

because I do. It's not only her big eyes, nice smile, nice curves and milky white skin. I like her goofy, funny nature with a hint of crazy. ;-)

Why did people think the Bush economy can be fixed immediately?

The big misconception about the recession is that these things can be fixed overnight. Fact is it took 8 years of destroying the economy and it will take more than 4 years, possible more to fix it. Obama has fixed the markets and in spite of what critics say, the stock market is back to normal. However, people are being allowed to take this money and not give any of it back to the ones who fixed it. Raising taxes on the wealthy is the only way to get this back. We have to keep the current policy in place and over time it will work.

Do you agree with Tom Daschle that passing a constitutional amendment limiting govt spending would be irrespon?

I think we need the amendment. Good leaders are few and far between. We are a nation of laws and not supposed to be completely subjected to the whims of people and their desire for political power.

Why is the American government waging....?

demographic warfare against it's own citizens? It turns a blind eye to the millions of unskilled laborers being imported via a porous southern border. It imports tens of thousands of foreign professionals as well. Why does the American government try to displace upper and lower class Americans in their own home?

How does the incidence of the poverty vary across demographic groups in the United States?

How does the incidence of the poverty vary across demographic groups in the United States? Why do we see differences in poverty rates between racial and ethnic groups? Which groups are least likely to experience poverty and why?

What kind of caterpillar is a light purple caterpillar with a pink stripe down its back?

I live in the south east region of the united states. This is the second purple caterpillar i have found all summer. I want to know what kind it is. I have been amazed at nature but never like this before. PLEASE HELP ME!?!?!?


If satan sinned in heaven there is free will in heaven, and it is possible to desire sin. Assumably god would want his creations to have free will in heaven, angels or not, because isnt the point he doesnt want 'robots'? It didnt take adam and eve long to sin, they hadnt even had children yet, and they were supposed to be in the most perfect state of good nature and purity a being can be in. In heaven, given infinite time, couldnt you commit a sin and go to hell forever? God didnt forgive satan or a 1/3 of the angels,he punished all humanity for disobediance, so it wouldnt be fair to give other creations special breaks,

How can i be talktive (i m stranger to my colleagues)?

Ok now as my nature i am ver silent person. i don't socialize much and don't have much to talk expecr for what i have done, what i do or what i like to watch. its been a month in my new office. and i see people talking and chatting with each other and i am just silent sitting idle.even in my relationship i don't know what to talk and i talk rubbish of here and there. i wanna be one of that person who get conversation starte. who get people interest and people miss him when he is not around and something is wrong with him. what should i do?

Movies: What's a film that you think is misunderstood?

The Matrix definitely had political and spiritual connotations that a lot of my peers overlooked. Personally I didn't get Black Snake Moan (and thought it was absolutely absurd) until I learned that its a parable. Why I didn't realize that, I don't know...

Why are there so many Brazilians in Japan?

During WWII many Japanese moved to Brazil & also Peru. Peru even had a president of Japanese ancestry.

Should WWE writers book Alberto Del Rio v. HHH at WM28? Feel free to give your WM28 ideas also?

I don't see del rio being on the same level as hhh not now not ever! Sure del rio is talented but hhh is just so much more talented I just don't see that as a match I would enjoy an hhh and sheamus match as for orton and taker naaaah Randy could totally end the streak but I just don't see that

Where could I send my pictures to (magazines) if I want to be a nature photographer?!?!?! HELP!!?

So, I want to be a nature photographer and everyone I show my photos to they tell me I should send them to a nature magazine or outdoors. I would like to but I just do not know what ones to send them too. I am making a Flickr account tomorrow for some of my pictures. Thanks and check back tomorrow afternoon and I will "edit' this and put a link to flickr if you want to see. !! Thanks in advance. !!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Statistics QUESTION help appreciated?

Hi there, I have a data I obtained of 280 students that were surveyed. The demographic variables were that there were males and females asked (1=female, 2=male). Whether they were single (1), married (2) or in a long term relationship (3). And the numeric variables were level of happiness, optimism and satisfaction of life with high numbers representing high levels of well being. My question is that I want to choose something to study from this, such as whether single females are happier than married men or something like that - something relatively easy as I'm not great at stats - and show it in some statistics but I'm not quite sure at this stage. any ideas or suggestions are much appreciated!!

What is the nature of a delusion?

Delusions involve a fixed idea that contradicts reality which is so desirable that any evidence that contradicts it will be dismissed as invalid or irrelevant. To attack a delusion you have to find out why it is desirable and show the person that it is not desirable. That can be difficult.

Artists or art lover or critics?

ohkay so i need to know.. If you visit an art exhibition.. And the artist is a 19 year old girl.. Most of the work done by her is modern contemporary art and no realistic art.. What would be your reaction..??

Do people still play metal gear online?

I'm thinking of buying metal gear solid 4, as it's cheap now and has gotten a great amount of reviews from critics and a couple of my buddies. However i'm going to buy it in a couple days and am just wondering if people still play the multiplayer after so many years. does it take long to find a match? is anyone playing?

Doing a project on Japan and I need help!?

Why dont you google each question and youll get almost specific answers. Or go to the library and check out the encyclopedias(they have nearly all the info), almanacs(population questions) and possibly a childrens book on Japan(believe it or not, this really helps. The language is simple, there isnt a whole lot of info to sift through, and the pictures and maps can be really helpful)

Is it Wrong to want a 99.9% White Britain?

You are certainly entitled to believe whatever nonsense you like--just as I am entitled to think that you are a deluded racist.

What's your stand with these criticism against manny pacquiao and floyd mayweather?

No to ALL...EXCEPT #10.....asking for 100 mil is an excuse NOT to fight Manny. They will never give him that kind of money. And Floyd has made such a big issue out of this that he hurt himself and his own image. I don't hate anybody....I only state the facts.

Muslims, can you name a critic of Islam you respect or think makes valid points?

Montgomery Watt . A good book by him is "Muhammad: prophet and statesman" You can download for free from this site a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is this true about women?

yes. but the women that have careers try to make it seem like the reason they can't settle down and make a family is because of their careers. this is not true. they can't make a family because no man wants them. women with a high paying career is something that should be avoided like the plague and a lot of men know this.

Anyone know of some good social media marketing ideas for a kitchen designer?

the kitchens sell for $50,000k and up so need to hit the richer demographic in the social world. any ideas are welcome!

Why is immigration so critical to Europe demographic future? and what problems does immigration pose?

It gives you cheap labor, but so many of them are poor that it puts a burden on the government for social welfare.

Classic songs, American demographic changes?

I need a song about American Demographic changes. It can be from any time period...but it has to have something to do with immigration, death rates, birth rates, marriage rates, etc.

How do you evaluate the distance of where a competitor is located to set up a similar business?

I found a lot that would be the perfect spot and location for an indoor sporting complex in a cold climate city where something like this could be beneficial. But there is already one 45 min south of it (with out traffic), in a totally different demographic. How do I figure if this is a good idea to pursue?

In what way is perfect happiness implanted in human nature?

This perfect happiness is what Augustine means by the word in all of his discussions, ... good and unchangeable blessed Creator has implanted in the will. ... The human desire for happiness is as unchanging as the nature of the human being. .... We become "better" because we become is some mysterious way the "best. ...

How important is for a girl to keep her virginity?

I am Christian, so I understand that it can't be a union of bodies without another of spirits (which by its own nature will be forever) But I ask this also because I fell in love of a girl who seems to be something like a bookworm, tough she is pretty as a thuringian jewish fairy... so I don't know. I also am interested at girl's being... specially at British ones.

Cross-cutting cleavages?

Divisions within society that cut across demographic categories to produce groups that are more heterogeneous or different.(Magleby D.B., Light P.C. Government by the People) page 99

Why does the Republican Party dominate among white men?

Republicans win that demographic by huge margins, they have a slight majority among white women as well but not as much as white men and the Democrats dominate all other groups.

Does anyone have any ideas how to help answer this question, even the littlest bit could help?

At the beginning of the 20th century the US was not considered a world power in spite of its economic and demographic potential. By the end of the century it had become the sole superpower. Describe the ascendancy of the US in the 20th century. What key factors, events, people and/or situations contributed to this transition? why? how might china be in a similar situation as we start the 21st century?

What kind of influence do you think this is having on teens?

People vary - even teenagers, some will want to wait and others won't. I think that the parents who are supervising are naive - the teenagers will just meet after school and have sex in a field or wherever you won't stop them if they are determined. I think the condoms on offer is a better idea - although the girl should be reminded that what happens is up to her and she has the right to change her mind at any time. A girl has the right to walk round her bedroom in her pants (underwear), getting changed in front of her boyfriend and this doesn't mean she wants sex. That's the important part of sex ed.

HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i m facing hair fall problem......?

i m having curly and frizzy and rough hair. from past 1 month, i m suffering hair fall problem. pls help me, suggest me home remedies, that would really work. as my hair are rough and frizzy in nature, pls suggest some solution for that also

Keynote Presentation Advice?

I am about to deliver a Keynote Presentation to many people and one critic. I have never delivered a Presentation before. The critic is tough and I need to make him satisfied with what I am about to present. I need advice on how to present the best presentation ever.

I wanna become a rapper, do you think I Can? Tell me what you guys think?

Nice verses man. I'm the same, people will always try to put you down, keep doing what you love. My own family hates that I want to be a rapper. But I'm still gonna do what I love. And you should to.

Are you a Korean living in New Zealand?

No i'm not. Lol. I once knew this exchange student from korea. She stayed with her host parents, she came to NZ to improve her english and go to school here and i would the same for most international students. I'm pretty sure she enjoyed being here, she also had other korean friends as well as other exchange students. I don't think she faced any discrimination, she's pretty nice and friendly. She's obviously a 'she', she was 15, she did well at school, don't think she had a job.

I need cheap Goth figurines?

Wizards, witches, fairies, vampires, and anything of a dark nature is fine. I need them to be fairly cheap. I've tried Ebay, but i need to find them as cheep as possible. Thank you for your help.

Did I hear you laugh?

Love it!! I use to work in a coal mine but we never went home for lunch. Didn't sit around naked either. Still, I found the joke funny. Can't wait to tell this at our Retired Coal Miners meeting.

Why are right to work states doing better than union run states?

It's just common sense that a state will do better when its citizens are free to work wherever it wants without forcing to give up money to a union that it doesn't even support.

Found a baby bird what should I do?

I found a baby Carolina Wren by my trash can. It had it's eyes close and it was shaking. It can hop around and when it flaps it's wings it can almost fly (just a few inches from the ground though). It began chirping when I poked it with a stick to see if it was alive. I heard a bird respond to it's call and then it began to chirp louder. It hobbled in the middle of my driveway and chirped louder. Then An adult Carolina Wren flew by it a few times and even brushed against it during it's flights. The adult wren then flew off on top of my house somewhere. The baby stopped chirping and hid under one of the cars in the driveway. I assume the adult wren was one of it's parents. Can the parents save the chick or is it too late. What will happen to the chick if it's left out on my driveway. What can I do (I'm not so big on the idea of taking in a wild animal). Or should I just leave it and let nature take it's course?

Poll: Do you feel like you're getting equal treatment?

As a white male, no, I do not. Perhaps my kind enjoyed preferential treatment in the past but with programs like Affirmative Action and the increasing need for diversity for the sake of remaining politically correct, my accolades and credentials are meaningless.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Atheists: Can you help me with faith?

Sometimes I lack faith in God. Then I look at your unwavering faith in evolutionism and I am inspired, because surely if you can have faith in an unproven statistically implausible theory, I can have faith in God when all I really need to do is look around me for proof. It's just the sin nature raising its head and instilling Satanic doubt. So how do you maintain your admirable degree of faith?

Given increased federal revenues of $1.1 trillion. Which seems more likely to yield another such increase?

c) kick out all lefty democrats and replace them with conservatives who will bring our nation back from the disaster the lefties have put us in.

Which is better, Portal or Portal 2?

Portal 2 BUT you should play Portal 1 first. Portal 2 will be better having played Portal 1, plus Portal 1 is cheaper.. and it's still a good game. I would recommend getting The Orange Box ($19.99) which includes Portal, Half-life 2, and Team Fortress 2 (all amazing games).

Are liberals Glad that Gov Brown made Amazon end a deal with 25,000 online websites?

Yes, liberals are clueless. Amazon is going to remove any presence in California and probably challenge the law in court. Just another company to flee California, more to come.

Many critics say the Heat need a big man. How many more superstars do they need? They already have 3!?

I hear people saying that Howard should join the Heat or that they really need a big man. They already got 3 star players now that celebrate themselves and mock their opponents before even winning anything. How many more superstars do they need in order to win a title? They already lost to the Mavs and they only had 1 all-star.

What is/are your favorite song[s]?

Anything by Led Zeppelin they have blues,rock and a ballad or two. Most of Jimi Hendrix. Yeah the Gorillaz are good. The Byrds. Cat Empire(Oz band), Muse.System of a Down. and more.


No. Your passport lists countries that you can't visit and, if you do, you can be charged with a crime whether or not "your" country is at war. I worked with several guys who, on a lark, decided to visit Cuba. When they finally returned to the US (through Mexico), US Immigration personnel - noting the Cuban exit visa - simply smiled. As another posted noted, your spelling is very bad, and I don't know if I addressed your real question.

Been thinking a lot lately.?

So yea as the title tells you I have been thinking a lot. Ever since I was very little I have been wondering what my purpose is in life. I have a knack for art but it seems everyone wants to tell me I will be poor and starving. I know that is my future and I honestly do not care; I make art because I love it not because I want to be rich or have any sort of social status. But lately I have lost my love for creating an drawing and it feels like i'm fading away... I have no ambition and have been sleeping all day because my college classes are over and I don't have may responsibilities. Everything around me seems to not have meaning to me. I see the world as a cold dark place as of late because many of my friends I had have all abandoned me it feels like. I contact them every time I get the chance but I never get a reply from anyone. They could just be too busy with their lives, I miss them a lot because I used to hang out with them all the time. Just yesterday my last friend Jon who lived near where finally moved away to Santa Monica and is now 400 miles away. It broke my heart a bit because I knew I would never see nor talk to him again. I know that people come in and out of your life but all I have been seeing is people leaving and no one coming into mine. Sometimes I think I would be happier if i needed no one... but it is my nature to like having people around me that I can enjoy fun experiences with. I guess living in a highway town every man is a solitary man in the end since nothing ever happens here. I feel the cold grip of loneliness at my heart; mind you i have dealt with loosing people around me my whole life but it still doesn't make things easier. I have never had a romance life, mostly because women see me as a kindhearted goofball and a shoulder to cry on. But I digress it has never bothered me one bit but as I have been getting older i find myself wondering what is this emotion called 'love' and how it must feel; others say it the most wonderful thing ever to experience with another human being. I have never really felt it except with my family but it ain't exactly feel good emotion. I would call it more like tolerance than love. As time has gone by and feeling myself disappear with every passing day I feel like I am going cold inside. Been having suicidal thoughts because I don't really have a purpose or anything of great importance to accomplish here in this so called existence. I've grown tired of being here, I always said I would never want to live past 30 but now I understand why. I sensed innately that I was truly alone and my friends were merely superficial and just liked to feed off my positive vibes. I keep getting told to get a girlfriend too but goddamn it I don't want one. Simply because I know they wont really love me or care about me unless I have money... that is why my mom and dad got divorced and I had to live with a bat **** crazy ***** who was obsessed with paper printed green and possessions. I have lost my faith in the human race as well seeing all the bullshit politics, wars, disagreements over nothing, and etc. I do not want to be here because I know we are going to destroy ourselves due to all this **** but no one seems to get mad enough to start knocking off the people causing it. If life is really all flowers and sunshine that makes everyone **** rainbows daily as I have heard from people who say you shouldn't commit suicide over things like love, life, and etc. Then why do people have feelings of nothingness in this world and want to end it all? Because I have been considering taking out the ye olde 12 gauge and going out the way Kurt Cobain did because I am tired of these feelings that I am fading away and loosing interest in what I loved most... I am not the same person I was a year ago and this crisis of identity and purpose collide to make an unstable pool of volatile emotions. I can't find a reason to keep moving forward in a life where motivation is depleted in me. If anyone has a good reason why I should live and put up with this any more by all me type away. But I should have you know religious answers don't work on me because I find anything that tries to answer the unknown is all lies. If someone actually bothered to sift through this rant I salute you.

How does demographic transition relate to the movie "October Sky"?

Homer would have been a coal miner like his daddy, except he got interested in rocketry and eventually got a job at NASA.

Which of the following best explains why the supply of housing often cannot keep up with increases in demand?

I would go for C obviously. A is not true, it can predict.C is not true.Banks can make huge profits.D is not true.There is a complete knock-down technology which can finish a house in a month.

Why does any mention of the Big Bang Theory always prompt several to call it "part of the lie of evolution"...?

Most of the more popular web-based anti-science ministries erroneously link the big-bang with evolution. But you can't blame the average Christian science-illiterate for believing this twaddle - they're bombarded with misinformation and never learned critical thinking to begin with.

How can you connect your bestfriend to nature?

How can you connect your bestfriend to nature? as in like do they have any similarities?something like - my friend is lovely so is the nature. do you guys have another suggestions? thanks!!!

How will a Post White America Republican Party stand in elections?

Let's face it, rightly or wrongly the republicans are seen as the white mans party by the majority of voters. When white people are a demographic minority in 20 years how do the Republicans expect to win elections? Minorities will no longer need you since they can form their own political parties and have the demographic edge in elections. Will white conservatives become an insignificant voting bloc or will they relocate to certain states and still retain some political control in key areas? How do you see the Republican party in 20 years time?

Why is this true about...........?

Why do black people think everythings racist aganist them ? As I have studied them, socialized with them, made friends with them, they tend to be the harshes critics aganist every race. They trash talk white people, asians, mexicans, and other races. Most are very racist, yet they go ape sh*t when someone calls them racist and then fireworks blow up with colorful language. I mean oher ethnicities know when they're racists.....

Is this an unethical business practice we can sue for punitive damages?

If she is under the legal age to enter into a legal agreement in your state (18 in most states), then the purchase agreement (a contract-in-fact) is void. They must return your money and she must return the merchandise.

How could i create a White nationalist party that could be a major political force?

These are the types of questions that make think Y!A should expand its action bar. You have a star for interesting, need a 1 through 10 thing for rating the question, 10 being good 1 being moronic, because you the one.

Why do so many critics (and some fans) hail Nirvana as...?

...the justification for all the alt/indie/noise rock in the 80s? As if Cobain and Co. were some glorious end result of a gradual musical evolution. Can't bands be good on their own terms anymore?

Do you also hate the pretentiousness of academics?

I found not all were like that but some were overboard with themselves, and I was and English major.

All 50 states trending heavily democratic?

The Republicans just gained a House Majority last November. You have out dated Communist Propaganda from the Democratic Soviet Union.

If you are SMART please help me with one question!!!!!?

Describe how changing demographic trends )age, sex, income, occupation, etc) have led to the development of new sports leagues, the shifting of professional sports franchise and new sports products.

Is it rude to not accept compliments ?

I think it's very rude not to accept compliments with a graceful thank you because by refusing to agree with the compliment you are suggesting the person in question has poor taste or doesn't know what they are talking about. If you have self esteem issues then you need to work on them. Of course compliments don't solidify how you feel about yourself. They are fleeting. How you feel about yourself comes from you, nobody else. I think you should focus on what you have to offer as a person rather than worrying about your looks.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Horse riding do I have good form?

I think your position is really good. For how little the jumps are you are leaning at a good angle(: Just a tip on the horse, don't let her take long spots. Ride her really deep into the jump. A couple of your take off spots were kind of long and that is dangerous. I'm not trying to mean and of course the horsey is only 4 so she will learn. But I'm just saying that it would be smart to start riding her like that right away. And I would know from experience, my horse used to take spots like1-2 strides away from the jump!! When my trainer saw this she said it had to stop right away. If they take long spots when the jumps get bigger it gets really dangerous. Just thought I'd tell you that. Good luck and hope I helped!!(:

U.S. defaulted, it is a response to the fall of the USSR? Nature loves balance?

CCCP and USA had some very illogical spending tactics that would bite them in the butt. That is why they (might/will/have) default.

Lebanon...What makes you different from Egypt?

I'm speaking in a cultural sense, not statistical or in a demographic sense. I want to know what Lebanese people say and I'll ask the question in the Egypt section to see what they say.

Why is their no medium for LeBron James media-wise?

He's either Jordan great or can't get it done.. The difference between LeBron and Kobe is that Kobe Bryant has a medium with the media and critics, they say he might have got swept "but" Pau Gasol didn't show up and he's still one of the top players in the NBA. With LeBron it's his team lost and they failed.. Yet not understanding they will get better next year with CHEMISTRY and learning how to jell as a group.

How to fix things up with my dad?

well you're 18, leave. If it is so bad you can do something about it, same some money from work, and move.

Why does the mainstream media target tweens and teenagers so heavily through music and tv?

Why does the mainstream media dedicate so much focus and time towards marketing to tweens and teenagers? Is it cause this is the easiest age demographic to sell to?

Family treating me...( i know this is pretty long but please bear with me I need serious advice)?

Hi your parents are like that because they know you can do it and they love you. Well things about your parents anger on your brother and then releasing them on you is I think and have in my mind why? But if I were you ask them straightly and fearlessly. But after you talk whatever happens tell them you Love them and if I were you hug and kiss them. Hope This Helps:))

'Inception' is unbelievable bad?

i finally watched this movie on cable channel. this is unbelievable bad and convoluted. i can't believe the rave review it received. was i watching the same film as those critics did?

Suicidal depression.. Going to the extent of questioning my own existence :/ any help?

You sound a bit like you have schizophrenia … you're going to have to tell your parents sooner or later because obviously you can't just live feeling like you do. You might as well go to the psychiatrist alone or with your girlfriend, if it doesn't work out, you don't have to go again. Maybe this'll just wear off, you never know…x

Blacks: What if the rap industry was split into a more diverse demographic?

I wouldn't really even care because I am not a person who's into all that rap nonsense. I'm more of an R&B soul type of person, and that genre is more diverse than any other music genre I know

Do you think 1 million Northeastern and California liberals could move to Mississippi and make it Democrat?

If people have been moving to the Sunbelt States for the past 30 years as a demographic shift, do you think these new immigrants could dislodge the old, outdated ideologies of the Deep South and supplant it with socially tolerant, modern values?

I am all alone...wht shall i do?...please help me out....?

I'm on the same boat as you more or less. I've hung out with people, but it is hard to find someone good these days. In a way it is better to be alone, by yourself than with bad company. I don't smoke, drink, not do drugs, nor any of that crap. I am also religious. I agree with you, you have to be very careful with whom you meet out there. Also if they see that you are the type of guy that is serious and doesn't like non seriousness, they will neglect you like they have. People these days reject people that are serious and well behaved. It is the society that we are living unfortunately. Try talking to people and if they ignore you, just move on to others. Sooner or later you'll find someone that cares for you and will always be there for you.

Circumcision at 14? Nervous?

The procedure is simple. It's usually done with a local anesthetic and takes about forty minutes. The bruising and swelling take a week or so to subside. My stitches started to fall out on the tenth day and were all out by the fourteenth. Everything was back to working condition after a month. The only discomfort I had was when the stitches came in contact with my underwear. Don't play with it for at least a month (you might tear the incision) and when you do use a water lubricant like K-Y Jelly (do not use Vaseline) the first few times. Complications are extremely rare about as rare as winning a million dollar lottery. Cosmetically it should look much better than an infant circumcision because the surgeon has more to work with. My scar is not visible (it was placed 10mm below the crown) unless it's erect and the scar tissue is barely visible when it is erect. No reason to freak out.

Poverty & Discrimination?

How does the incidence of poverty vary across demographic groups in the United States? Why do we see differences in poverty rates between racial and ethic groups? Which groups are least likely to experience poverty and why?

Why can't I be skinny?

The simplest guideline is this - calories in has to be less than calories out. If you are eating more calories than your body can use it makes fat... simple as that. Absolutely no mystery to it. Eat the foods that have lower calories and you can eat more food. Make a lifestyle that doesn't revolve around food. Only do exercise that you like. I only know of one person who actually likes gym and makes regular happy visits to it. Walking half an hour every day is heaps better than killing yourself at a gym three times a week. Best of luck...

What to do with kids for free.?

Ok so we have no money to go out and do anything. we currently have cars in the shop so we can't go anywhere. i am a stay at home mom of two young boys under school age. so their home all the time. we go to the park all the time, we have done everything out side , treasure hunts, picnics played sports , went on nature walks build tents. we have also done everything inside. I have no more ideas. I really want their father to do something with them because he is home all weekend but all he does is play black ops. and gets made or gives me excuses when i ask him to do something with them. I have no clue what to do with them, any ideas. I really wish either their biological father or any of their biological family would do something with them . I am just a step-mom and i do it all.

Do women really like being treated like crap?

I've witnessed it. I just need a verification. I was with this girl for a while I treated her like a queen. Paid for her medicine took her to Universal Orlando (on my birthday with my money) opened doors for her, and stuff one day she tells me to F off, no apparent reason. My mother rushes to men who treat her like crap. They are nice one day and then cheat, she goes away, they invite her back, and then they call her names and make her do stuff and make cruel remarks about her. My sister same thing. I've seen it parodied on Family Guy. Brian the dog shows Stewie the baby women like being treated like crap at Quagmire's house. What's the deal? I know just by my luck if I started treating a woman like crap she'd A: Call the cops on me or B: Leave me and never return. What's the deal here? I don't even want to treat a girl like crap it's against my nature. Why can't a nice guy such as myself find and keep a girl? Oh yeah the worst of it is the women treated like crap go to the guys like me for shoulders to cry on but never show interest! Why is this like this? It's totally friggin' gay!

How do aggressive females have sex?

you know i always wonder how controlling and bossy heterosexual females operate in bed, You know the ones that act very masculine especially in the workplace, I cant imagine how they have sex since the female for the most has to be in many submissive positions when it comes to actual intercourse (thats just how nature works sorry.) However I imagine they would want to feel in control like they are in everything else in their life but thats just not possible when it comes to sex. So what do they do?

Anyone know of some good social media marketing ideas for a kitchen designer?

the kitchens sell for $50,000k and up so need to hit the richer demographic in the social world. any ideas are welcome!

Is my daughter a good artist?

My daughter just turned 13 and got a DA account (which I check a lot). Her account I'm mostly doing this is because she ask me to much about her art and always asking for critic,and I'm no artist,nor do I know anything about art itself. She's also gotten into japanese art more because of a trip to the place,but doesn't draw it.

Can someone please help me with one homework question? 10 points!!!!?

Describe how changing demographic trends ( age, sex, income, occupation, etc) hav led to the development of new sports leagues, the shifting of professionals sports franchises and new sports products.

Apart from religion, why is homosexuality bad?

good question. ive heard some atheists who are against homos because they say that it goes against the natural order of evolution. which i dont buy, but am open to listen to more arguments.

STATISTICS QUESTION help appreciated?

Hi there, I have a data I obtained of 280 students that were surveyed. The demographic variables were that there were males and females asked (1=female, 2=male). Whether they were single (1), married (2) or in a long term relationship (3). And the numeric variables were level of happiness, optimism and satisfaction of life with high numbers representing high levels of well being. My question is that I want to choose something to study from this, such as whether single females are happier than married men or something like that and show it in some statistics but I'm not quite sure at this stage. Any guidance or advice is much appreciated. thx

Why do people girls go after the "bad boy" who treat them badly, but they don't seem to see it?

In other words, why do women (really any gender combo could work for this question) fall for the "bad boys" who treat them horribly, even after friends and family point the bad lovers actions out. Some people tend to make lame excuses for them and ignore the inexcusable wrongs. They never seem to be able to to answer the question "Why do you want to stay with them?". It doesn't make much sense to me. Keep in mind that I'm talking more about teen aged girls then any other demographic. One thing I don't get in the case im witnessing is that the boy the girl likes is not even popular which is the most common answer I get to this question. That answer being "Girls like popular guys".

I want to become a rapper, what do you think?

Your lyrics are pretty awesome. Maybe you should put up some stuff on YouTube and see what people have to say. Also have some freestyle battles with friends. It'll help. Good Luck

How can i make my boyfriend feel guilty?

Well okay i heard this rumor right and well i want to know the truth because it's killing me inside it's about him and this other girl they had a little something basically he cheated but i dont know if it happened or if there lies how can i make him tell me the truth , how can that happened ? pls no critics :/

Honestly, is it good or bad?

I heard it and it is really good but it is the voice is kinda low! And it sounds kinda weird for your voice! It sounds good but not professionally good!

Friday, August 5, 2011

When did nickelodeon become the Disney channel?

This is not the nick I grew up with in the 90's..., it seems like all the shows are made to appeal to one demographic, tween girls...It's exactly like disneys channel now... When did it get lIke this and when will the era of Tweens end?

Why is my boyfriend mean to me?

thats notttt good at alll hun. if he loves you he shouldnt be ashamed of you. tell him that u are annoyed that he is a dick to you with his friends and see what he says? but seriously .. id get out of that relationship because it leads to worse things..

Question about god and free will?

Free Will does not mean magic carpets, or pots of gold at the end of the rainbow. Free will means a choice to live for God, his rules, his way.

How does Obama's presidency put food on the table in Harlem or create jobs in Detroit?

he was supposed to be this huge victory for African Americans, but as a member of that demographic I just don't see it. In fact the opposite

Babysitting for up to 32 hours this week?

are you able to get to a store on ur time off? If so, you can get some fabric markers and t shirts and make shirts. A scavenger hunt is fun, especially if its a riddle one, you have to find a nut with a hat (acoorn) . Using hula hoops and jump ropes etc for an obstacle course. And how about no bake cookies? Or making a band without musical instruments (jugs, buckets etc) getting larger rocks and painting them and using pom-poms and google eyes to make pet rocks. You can plant flowers in styrofoam cups that you decorate. A wet sponge fight.

*POSSIBLE SPOILERS* What do you think of Sucker Punch?

The plot and acting was pretty lame, but the action sequences and special effects were insanely awesome. Also, as was stated, the music accompanies the sick action sequences, which amplifies its intensity. (Did that make sense?) Hmmm, anyways, I think everyone should definitely see it because it does have its positive aspects, as long as you don't mind being dumbed down by its weak plot

What are some current global issues?

Okay so like I have to do a PowerPoint slide show on a current global social issue. It has to be related to political, economic, cultural, structural, ecological, environmental, demographic, or technological change. I just need a start. I am taking sociology and its kind of confusing. I will do all the needed research, I just need some ideas as to where to begin. Thanks, oh yeah, Id love to know why you chose what you chose, like the pros and cons in your opinions. Thanks again!!

How can I be safe to protect against nerve damage when I use my TENs unit?

My doctor gave me a TENs unit to take a away my pain two months ago, and recently he advised due to the progressive and degenerative nature of the disease I have (mitochondrial disease, it affects my muscles) to use the device as a way to build muscle and excercise. For this past week since I've used it every day on my legs (top and bottom), my hips, and my back for thirty minutes. I've noticed instantaneous improvement. I can walk for longer periods, I've been getting more toned, and my pain is almost nonexistant! However, I am aware electrical stimulation can be dangerous. How can I protect against nerve damage when using this device? I don't want any more problems haha.

What type of business would thrive in Canada?

After going to Canada for a business class, I must now write a 10 page paper on the type of business I would open in Canada. It must consider cultural, demographic, economic, geographic, political-legal, and competitive factors. What can I possibly work with?

Why do Whte British people, flee the country if they dont like whats happening?

Yes a lot of people still believe it is greener on the other side of the hill, till they get there. It's in fact world wide, only some are a little more fortunate than others at this moment in time, but like a growing cancer there is no stopping it, until the people themselves realize it's them there selves who are the problem, as everyone is born FREE and should fight to stay free, enforce our Anglo-Saxon Common laws, Given to this country by King Alfred the Great, and let us drive out these Roman Catholic Admiralty 'Legal' laws.

Does choice as we understand it actually exist?

I think the modern individualistic free will idea of choice is a myth. You can make decisions, but they're mostly depend on context and cirmustance, and of course physics. I'd suggest reading some neuroscience or even Zimbardo's psychology studies.

Is cowardice a quality of the wealthy?

Cowardice is never a is a curse...Can you equate those who play the system for free money as cowards also? or just wealthy people?...We are all capable of me the greatest suffering in the world is denying yourself the pursuit of happiness.

Would it be a good idea to state my age in a cover letter for a job that markets to a demographic I'm part of?

I am applying for a job that markets retreats to people in their 20s and 30s. I am 27. Would it be good to tell the organization to which I am applying that I am a member of their targeted age demographic? Would it be best to state that I am part of the demographic, tell them my exact age or just leave it out altogether?


okay so me and my friend benn are really open and honest, not to be gross or anything but we were wonder how many people actually look in the toilet after doing their "business." we admit to doing that and we think it is only human nature to look, but we have asked a few of our other friends if they do and their reaction is always "NO!" and they look at us like we are disgusting. so we want to know do you look? (its not like you're sitting there studying it but just a little glance)

Is it coincidental that ALL of the most dangerous cities are Democrat based voters?

It's because of social engineering in the 50s and 60s. Republicans neglected these areas and invested in encouraging middle class people move to the suburbs, through investment in infra structure. Just wait until the current polices of neglect have their effect. soon the suburbs will be just as decaying as the inner cities.

What can I do if I really want to dance again?

Could you try to find some dance lessons that you and your group could take for a while until your other teacher gets back? That seems like the best possible thing you could do right now :)

What do you think of this little nature poem?

Reads nice! Reads very nice. Bravo. S4 reminds me of ancient tragedy. S2 Clouds lower. Good! S5 Darkness and density of water make a continuum. I am impressed friend.

Where on the internet can an amateur musician get critics to say what they think about their music?

is there an internet service where I can send music experts my music just to get a reliable second opinion?

Is my relationship with my best friend a healthy one?

I can tell you this for sure... your friendship with her is not a healthy one! i am not saying that because i am a girl. she has a boyfriend. and she does not need to be having any kind of sex until she is married! but thats just my opinion. but she might love her boyfriend but what you did to her when she kept getting wet and u were just trying to help just mkes the whole friendship thing way more than friends. kind of like being a sex partner. and if her boyfriend found out im sure he would not be happy with what you two did and it will probably not end good for either of you! just know what you did was wrong and move on. ask god for forgiveness. stop sleeping with each other in the same bed at night when she stays with you. it was fine till u two got into all the sexual stuff u did. start over clean and try to be a good friend without all the sleeping with each other, and no more anal or oral sex. your friendship will grow stronger if u do that. and i think u do have feelings for her cause u cnt do any of that and not think bout it or feel anything. and same for her. sorry. good luck!

My Grandma thinks this guy likes me?

Grandmas are usually right, but I would not recommend starting a relationship with someone who is that much older than you. Regardless of whether you think he's a pedophile or not, it's just not a good idea.

Why are movie critics so uptight?

They're called 'elitists' and only review movies based on how artistic they are and not on anything else that can make them entertaining.

In late 1998 early 1999i heard a lady singing a latin song with dirty lyrics. In spanish and english. Whos she?

I loved hearing that song at the clubs. It had a very latin beat and during the song I remember some of the lyrics being cut out due to the nature of them....please someone help!! Ive been looking for that song for 12 years lol...

What is forever 21's demographic?

I need to know what stores like forever 21, h&m and wet seals demographic is and what the people who fit their demographics lifestyle would be for a school project please help

How does demographic transition relate to the movie "October Sky"?

LOL! You're in Mr.Wright's class too?? I have that final too! It's funny how I was just about to ask that and then BAM! someone else did and someone's all like "You in mr.wrights class too?" hahah

Is skyline a good movie?!?

I like to download movies, but due to limited space on my computer i can only keep them then delete them later. I like war/sci-fi/comedy movies, like Battle Los Angeles, which looked related to skyline. I heard skyline was terrible, ok, bad, crappy, good, awesome, etc. So i dont know which one is it. But i heard the ending was stupid. Someone tell me if it's good? I read a few critic reviews and they said it was bad. I don't want an answer saying "it's worth watching" because that's stupid. just say if it's good or not and add details if you can

What do you call I person who believes in the peoples good nature?

Like someone who believes that there is a light within all of us and that there is no such thing as a "lost soul".

What is the characteristics of the typical "cool" guy of 2011?

For example it once used to be "dark and mysterious" or "the jock." What is it now. The specific age demographic is 16-24 year olds. URGENT and 10 points for best answer. (try and back it up with examples from movies, adverts, or tv shows)

Religious Intolerance?

I'd like to answer ALL your questions but answer space is limited. Perhaps if you create a throw-away email address for us to reply to it would be easier.

How do you like Barry Hussein's definition of transparency?

Once "candidate" Obama became "President" Obama he realized what the real deal was in Washington. If everything in Washington was transparent, 99% of the politicians would be in jail or some ethical problems to try to explain away.

Information of Latinos in Chicago?

Does anyone know of a website with demographic information about Latinos in Chicago? Is Mexican the biggest Latino ethnicity in Chicago or is it Puerto Rican? How is life for different Latino people in Chicago? I never realized how big the Latino population was in Chicago, I assumed the majority was Caucasian and African American.

This sounds really bad, but I'm curious?

Wow that's kinda screwed up ...but believe it or not guys are horny pigs that will do anything for sex.. will almost anything at least.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Who liked "The Art of Getting By"?

I loved "The Art of Getting By" and I thought it was interesting that the critics hated it so much. I wanted to know who actually saw the movie and liked it?

Out of the three transformer movies,which one do critics or yourself think is the best?

so i havnt seen the 3rd movie yet but im kind of iffy about it being good. can anyone tell me if its as good as the two to other ones? or which one is the i know what to expect?

Who liked the movie sucker punch?

Critics said it was stupid but it really was not it was a great movie and I did not hate anything about it I actually watched it twice

HELP! I have a poor orphan baby painted turtle!?

Ok so today i was walking around my backyard. . .and i saw my cat playing with somthing no bigger than the top of a soda can, so i went over to see what it was , and it was a baby painted turtle! At first all i could think was how cute! but then i realized that i couldnt just leave it there! My cat would eat it! so i took it in my house and ive been on the computer for hours and i cant seem to find any answers so i came here!. . . So um if you can. . .can you please explain to my the nature of painted turtles? and a temporary way for my to care for my lil buddy!

Do you have a riding instructor?

I think the main reason everyone on here need/want a riding instructor is for when someone asks 'what can improve on?' they need an instructor to physically look at them from the ground and help them accordingly. I have two instructors, one for showjumping and one for dressage. My horse is amazing at both disciplines but i found it hard to find an instructor that excels in teaching both. My instructors teach exactly the same technique, so it doesn't change the way i ride at all. The reason i have an instructor is to teach me different ways i can work with my horses and how i can train them to do different things such as different dressage movements.

How can a black female like myself grow longer hair?

okay..ive been feeling really frustrated lately for the simple fact that my hair is a centimeter past my shoulders but i want it touchin my back.ive seen many videos and things of that nature discussing and trying to teach you how to do that but its sooooo confusing!one lady says do this and that and another one says do such and such.can you teach me step by step?im 12 and im tired of my friends making fun of my hair length and im tired of wearin itchy braids all the time.thnx soo much:)

I need gamers to take a survey for demographics research?

You might want to check the Daedalus project for prior research on MMOs. Nick has done an amazing job!

Help! lover girl in distress!! No rude comments pls and I promise to answer your lovely questions :))))?

i am a 23 yr old girl and being really attractive been flirted a lot by guys but due to my shy and loyal nature never said yes to any guy and seaw guys as only fllirting material until i met this guy whose eyes n beautiful stare made me fall in love wid him,,and even he stares back!! so now we basically keep on makin regular eye contact and i dont know him till now at all...but m ready to wait for him n givin him the positive signs as i know in my heart , hes the you guys think i am making the right decision..pls tell your frank ...

How can my gf and I improve our intimate time together?

It's not like we don't have a good time when we're kissing and all, but I feel like I want something more for us to do that's intimate, but less generic than just kissing, and isn't really sexual in nature. I mean we are fine with a little lack of clothing, so to speak, but neither of us want sex at this point. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I really want to give her something new, if you know what I'm saying.

CANADA Racism Problems?

whats with everybody saying America is the most racist. its proven that Asian countries are way more racist than America and Canada.

Why critics hate transformers dark of the moon?

the critics hated it cuz it was utter crap!! terrible non sensical story horrible directing. critics see things for what they are. they aren't fan-boys. and no they don't hate all summer blockbusters. pirates did well, and dark knight was critically acclaimed and oscar nominated. transformers suck just as bad as gi joe sucked. fyi fans don't love transformers the "movie saga'" ive watched it since the early 80s when they first came out and even read the comics. it has absolutely nothing to do with the base material other than the fact that the names are kinda the same. the cars don't match the original an seriously retarded wangsta tuner brothers and like 3 RC's!!!!!!!? terrible!!!!!

Would you date a girl like me?

i love werewolfs umm theres not that much to know about me .i so ask my self questions that nno person my age would ask or think / worry about. i do like poems and listening to music and love coca cola and root beer . i enjoy to read i also looooove nature and the awsome out dooors. i hate animal crulitey im super funny and nice i like to help the people that need the help. im a explorer and i love to go on advetures with cusins and i like to hang out with my friendsand i looove to go swimming in lakes,ponds and stuff and jump off small cliffs in to water.

Illustrations, what should I use?

First anytime you use another persons' work rather it be photo, illustration, art or words you must get permission from the owner to use it/them. You could try looking at royalty free images or HIRE an illustrator or photographer to do the work. The decision of style is really up to you maybe get both styles desired and pin them up on the refrigerator for awhile, looking at them everyday can help make such decision. You could actually do a blended style 50's with a hint of modernism.

Is it illegal to have medicine?

Okay, so I am starting to prepare just incase SHTF/WROL. My question is, am I legally allowed to have things such as penacilin, vaccines and things of that nature? Do i have to be a doctor to have these items and more in my house?

Under an American christian theocracy, what would christians stand to lose?

Christianity is a very theologically diverse religion, so agreement on any kind of theocratic rule would be nearly impossible. There would be disagreement on everything. Pretty much the only thing all Christian sects agree on is that there is a God and Jesus is his son. Not to mention that most Christians would probably object to seeing their non-Christian friends and family being punished for breaking religious laws.

Basics on flash units?

I have a Pentax K-x and am looking to purchase a flash unit but don't know a whole lot about selecting or using one. I just know that I seem to need options for better light in my photos. Do flash units use a proprietary mount like lenses, or will one flash unit work on all DSLR's? Can anyone recommend a flash unit for a beginning photographer who likes to shoot nature/outdoors... and any links to articles that will educate on basics? Thanks for your help!

DS: Is the practice of keeping dogs strictly for companions (ie modern day dog ownership) cruel?

PETA sure does get around. I'm looking at 3 of my dogs now. They look extremely distressed and opressed. Guess I should wake them up, tell them to get off the couch & set them free (before breakfast of course, because feeding them is cruel too)

What do you think of the book "Witch and Wizard" by James Patterson and that other unknown author?

Yeah, I've read both. They both suck. It's boring, goes way too fast, has absolutely no thought into it, and is a story we've all heard. Have to save the world. If you have to save the world, it better be entertaining as sin (Ha, that actually makes sense!) and make me actually think! God, it was so dreadful.

Which dog should be best b/w St. Bernard,Neapolitan Mastiff & Boxer,as i'm first time dog owner?

I wanted a dog of lovely,cute & affectionate nature,who should always revolve around me & always be in My Face.I'm a Student of 18 yr & wanted a Male dog of Low shedding,Good Watchdog,Loyal to his family members but also easy to care for & Not too much prone to health issues.I'm having a family with Childrens(Min. of age 7yr),so please tell which breed to opt for (only b/w 3 listed above)as i'm first time Dog Owner.

**** like mammals or stay with one person? opinions please?

No one "decided" any such thing. It just turned out that way. Everyone wants someone they can rely on to help them through tough situations, and (unconsciously or subconsciously) someone to care for them when they're sick or succumb to the infirmities of age. That actually IS our nature.

Census Info on Las Vegas?

I need some information on the geographic, demographic, and economic data of Las Vegas, but I don't know how to navigate the census factfinder... Help with either getting me the data, and or telling me the data would be extremely useful! I need the population of Las Vegas, the primary occupation of Las Vegas, the average household income, and any other specific info for a restaurant.

If you are smart can you PLEASE help me! 1 homework question?

Describe how changing demographic trends (age, sex, income, occupation, etc.) have led to the development of new sports leagues, the shifiting of professional sports franchiess and new sports products.

Can anything be done about the strong opposition I have towards dating women of my own background?

It will. You're just ticked right now. At least you know where the contempt comes from. If you met a pretty Indian girl who liked you it would probably fade much faster. Dating a variety of girls is a better plan anyway.

Question on what this verse means (Jeremiah 31:22) as to Millenenium living?

The eligible men will be few and the women will basically competer and throw themselves at the same man or same type of men.

Which game will you be getting; Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3?

I have been waiting for battlefield 3 for over five years.Call of Duty does not appeal to me anymore.But i will purchase it to play with my friends.So both

How can my gf and I improve and vary our intimate time together?

It's not like we don't have a good time when we're kissing and all, but I feel like I want something more for us to do that's intimate, but less generic than just kissing, and isn't really sexual in nature. I mean we are fine with a little lack of clothing or acts that are a bit sexually expressive so to speak, but neither of us want sex at this point. We are only 17. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I really want to give her something new, if you know what I'm saying.

Can some one answer this very simple question for 20 points?

How have the demographic changes in the gender of business travelers affected hotel operators? Write your answer in paragraph form.

Coveting vs. Capitalism? Is this a problem for Jewish people and Christians?

The Bible was written for another time, in the distant past. Only some of it is still relevant in this day and age; the rest is outdated.

If the concept of race does not exist, then what do you call or classify whites, blacks, asians, etc...?

There are other races. End of story. People say the human race is the only race as a means of saying that the color of one's skin shouldn't enter into a given argument, that's all.

R&P: Which out of the following 21st century songs do you like the most?

Knights of Cydonia! Not only is that a great song in general, it's catchy and good for any situation. Muse is just overall a good band. Vanilla with oreos in it <3

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Does anyone think that supernatural is such an underrated show in the uk and america or worldwide?

I Love supernatural but its very underrated and it doesn't get the recognition it deserves by the critics and magazines and the way sky living treats the show disgusts me they don't care about the supernatural fans what do you all think guys is anyone a fan of the show because i am Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki are so hot and the best brothers on the show and are such amazing actors they are so friendly and so Lovely in real life

Did the Qur'an predict modern-day radar technology?

Websites doesnt prove nothing, look their claims and look the Quran, i have found statements (for example the inflatory model of universe) are exactly correct with present observation. This is depicted in detail. The other supposed miracles are quite vague and some sly individuals sell propaganda.


I deal with this once and a while but I just let it go and stop talking to that person. Just because you are cool and calm doesn't mean you have to talk to someone who is a dick to you.

Facebook friends who delete you as a friend? why is this? what did I do wrong? please help me?

You're seriously putting way too much thought into this... Like you said it yourself, they are from the 'past', it seriously doesn't matter if they don't want to be your friends now... You'll meet new people, who cares about them honestly, you seem like a nice person if you're stressing out about this unimportant issue, heh... Just keep it moving, live it up, don't stress, and relax! :)

PSYCHOLOGY, i just have a few questions! please?

Ok so the first questions answer is Efferent Neurons; the second question is Afferent neurons is to efferent neurons; The third question is A) a Large Polarization of the neuron; and last but not least the answer is D) the Sympathetic nervous system.

Could I have some critic on this paragraph? How to improve it?

Everything i was going to say, has already been said. listen to those above me, and i wish you and Pierre all the very best of luck in your futures together.

Is it rude for me to think people should conduct business in English?

try the reverse in any country you visit, if you don't speak their language you don't get the service, plain as that!

What are some good rap hip-hop albums of 2011?

What are some good rap/hip hop albums of 2011? I like catchier music more so than what most rap critics consider "good'. But just throw some albums out there. Thanks.

What products should I buy next to add to my new make up collection?

you should really check into NYX. you can find it at some CVS's, but i think it is easier to find online... at cheapest there... its cheap but GOOD quality. i suggest the round lipsticks(very creamy) forsure (: hope i could help

What are your thoughts on Ozzie Guillen's comment that he "wipes himself w/ the critics"?

The most maligned World Series winning manager once again defends his guys from unfair commentary. Remember Casey Stengel? Danny Ozark? Whitey Herzog? Yogi Berra? Ozzie is cut from that mold. He's the most colorful and entertaining manager in the big leagues. He doesn't PC people to death like Girardi or LaRussa. He goes on as he wishes. We could use 20 more like him. Or more.

Please rate my new wifi team?

Reshiram's uber, so you can't use it in WiFi battles unless it's an uber battle. Otherwise you seem to know what you're doing.

Are Republicans in favor of privacy?

i can answer as a single republican individual, yes in favor of privacy however most republicans would disagree that one's right to privacy includes abortion, and most republicans would have no issue with someones sexual orientation but with their right to marry

Revision needs to be done in this paragraph HELP?

The viewer Lisa Kennedy has a positive review of the film The Social Network. According to Kennedy, " Americans are obsessed with connecting to others, but for the life of us, we can't seem to get along. Turns out, neither could the folks who lay claim to Facebook's inception." The Social Network shows how becoming successful can tear friendships apart. Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin are both smart, but their personality traits are very different, which brought their friendship to a end. Kennedy seems to be very satisfied of how the characters are not very lovable, but very comprehensive for their hubris. In the film it shows " all his ambitions, Zuckerberg doesn't appear motivated by money or even power, exactly. That said, much is made of the young man's desire to be tapped by Harvard's most exclusive "final club" and his resentment at not being chosen" (Kennedy). Mark Zuckerberg ambition is to work on the Facebook website that can bring college students to connect with each other. Lisa Kennedy critics about the film The Social Network are some quite true. The fact that the performance of the film had very good viewpoints.

How do people manage to fit in places in EUROPE?

I am Mexican, whether because we live close to Texas or because most cars around here are American in design but most roads, houses and cars have a pretty decent size (taking in account that most people are not as tall as people in Europe) So I was amazed to see the size of cars/houses/roads in most of Europe! is there an historical or demographic reason for things being so damned small over there? I mean huge Russian dudes driving tiny Lada's and Citroen's and all those tiny cars! ha ha. We got a few Renault's over here but I feel uncomfortable in them.

Why do Republicans get away with using Racist, Coded Language on Fox? Baby Mama , Food Stamp President,?

Sounds like another Republican idiot. You already know if Obama had said something like that about Palin the right would have called him a racist, like they did about Rev. Wright, but they don't play the race card only Democrats do that. The reason why they get away with it is because they hide behind their right to freedom of speech and they openly admit that they are not journalist which means they don't have to accurately report the news. They are just concerned citizens voicing their opinion.